HMS Mersey visit

Company Visit to HMS Mersey The Master accompanied by members of the Company visited our affiliate Royal Navy Ship, HMS Mersey, on Friday 25 March 2022 at Portsmouth Royal Naval Base. The Ship was alongside for a couple of days. It is usually at sea for over 300 days a year which makes it one of the most active ships in the Navy. Lt Commander Ed Munns, the Commanding Officer welcomed us aboard together with the  Commanding Officers of our Affiliate Army Cadet Force and...

By: | April 6, 2022 | Uncategorized

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MicroAge Mission

Muscles in Space On December 21st, SpaceX-24 blasted off from Florida taking an important experiment to the International Space Station. The MicroAge mission, from the University of Liverpool, took human muscle samples to space so as to study the impact of microgravity on muscle function. The results will be valuable in studying muscle wasting in the elderly. Our Senior Warden, Dr Chris McArdle, acted as an Engineering Consultant to the mission and travelled to NASA to support the launch. The WCA played a part in...

By: | January 27, 2022 | Uncategorized

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